Alice Kim on the Death Penalty

January 30, 2022


January 19, 2022

Joe Lombardo: Coordinator, United National Antiwar Coalition | 518-281-1968
Nathan Fuller: Director, Courage Foundation |  516-578-2628

Thousands Sign Petition Supporting Assange Release

WASHINGTON, DC–Led by the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), more than 26 antiwar groups and 2,500 individual peace and justice advocates have cosponsored a statement calling for the immediate release of publisher Julian Assange and commending him for his contributions toward global peace.

Assange is currently fighting extradition to the United States after the Trump administration indicted him on unprecedented Espionage Act charges. His indictment marked the first time in U.S. history that a journalist has been charged for publishing truthful information. 

Since being removed from Ecuador’s London embassy after a new Ecuadorian administration bowed to U.S. pressure to withdraw his asylum, Assange has been held for more than 1,000 days in Belmarsh Prison while his extradition case is being heard through UK courts. A decision from the British High Court on whether to hear an appeal is expected in the coming days.

Among the statement’s signers is Alice Walker, Nobel Prize–winning author of The Color Purple and longtime peace activist. Walker, a co-chair of the Assange Defense Committee, emphasized the importance of Assange’s commitment to showing the public the horrors of war.

“We owe it to Julian to fight for his freedom, because he fought for peace for the rest of us,” Walker said. “He fought for justice by exposing how the United States conducted horrific wars of conquest in Iraq and Afghanistan. Millions died in these wars, mostly civilians. Assange believed that knowledge of U.S. war crimes belonged to us, the people, to decide for ourselves what should happen in our name. And now it’s time for us to fight for him.”

Remarking on the ignominious 1,000 day milestone, Nathan Fuller, Director of the Courage Foundation and Assange Defense, expressed disappointment over the Biden administration’s unjust continuation of Trump’s controversial prosecution.

“While the Biden administration is confronting U.S. adversaries over their press freedom shortcomings, it should address its own hypocrisy,” Fuller said. “Locking up Julian Assange for exposing the truth about U.S. wars is an insult to all those struggling for peace and human rights.” 

Behind the CRT Crackdown

January 17, 2022
Samuel Adler-Bell
America has long lived by this dictum, that our union depends on collective acts of amnesia — ex obliviis unum. Indigenous genocide, the subjugation of women, the enslavement of Africans, the plantation regime, coerced “free” labor, the mine wars and anti-union terror, the criminalization of sexual minorities, nativist violence, lynching, and Jim Crow apartheid: all of these, at various times, have been consigned to common oblivion — ennobling omissions that undergird a vague but encompassing national pride. 

Remembering the Radical King

January 16, 2022

Happy Birthday, Bernardine Dohrn!

January 12, 2022

80 revolutions around the sun—over 50 of those revolutions arm-in-arm, heart-to-heart—and a New American Revolution still pending, and more necessary than ever.

Let’s celebrate, and then get busy in projects of repair and revolution.

Happy Birthday, Darling.

Episode # 43 is now Posted

January 8, 2022

EPISODE # 43:UNDER the TREE: a seminar on freedomWhen the US Boot Comes Down, Death and Chaos FollowAn interview with Timmy Chau
PODCAST: Under the Tree: A Seminar on Freedom with Bill Ayers can subscribe to “Under the Tree: A Seminar on Freedom with Bill Ayers” on SoundCloud, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.


January 1, 2022

Happy New Year!

Goodbye 2021—don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

Hello 2022—there you are at last, beaming with hope and dripping with warm, wet aspiration.

There’s a time in each of our lives, of course, when everything is possible, and there comes a time—too soon—when nothing is possible anymore. In between we invent and create, resist and rise up, make magic and music and art—we endure. The same is true day-by-day and year-by-year.

Goodbye. Hello.

A year ago, 2021 beckoned. Of course we were riding the horror and suffering of a pandemic kept alive by a predatory capitalist health market, and a decimated public health system, but we were looking forward. And then January 6 was on us in a hurry—a fascist, white-supremacist insurrection, and an attempted coup that not only came close, but is ongoing. White supremacy—baked into the country’s DNA, and as American as apple pie—has not been this well-organized in over a century. And the organized fascists are walking determinedly toward power on two-legs: one leg is the paramilitary shock troops, the cadre, the organizers and  the mobilized masses, and the second leg is “normal politics,” in this case the full capture of the Republican Party, the federal courts, and the mechanics of elections.

I’ve missed the crowds this year—the ramble and the rumble, the crush and  noise, the motion and the movement. The sense of experimentation and daring that a vibrant city inspires, the feeling of freedom embodied in the public square. I’ve missed random encounters on the bus or the train, I’ve missed talking to strangers, up-close and personal, and I’ve missed  face-to-face dialogue and discussions. And no, there’s no acceptable silver lining—any alternatives I may prefer could have been devised without this crushing catastrophe.

I’m concerned about my students, my children and grandchildren, and the young throughout the world. The blow they’ve endured is unspeakable. And it’s on-going. I know many, many who are suffering mightily—learning is social action at its core; isolation hurts. One of the central myths of corporate school reform insisted that high stakes standardized testing, relentlessly administered, are the best or only way to identify good teaching and effective learning—without the testing regime, the sky would fall; well folks, the tests were suspended and the world went on. Bury that myth, and kill that practice.

Efforts at mitigation are everywhere: mutual aid, communal action, community solidarity. But we also need to be mindful in all of our organizing of exposing and opposing the underlying logics of capitalism, the cultural expressions/underpinnings, and the dogma of “common sense:” Toxic Individualism (“Only you can prevent forest fires”); Consumerism as Democracy (You are what you buy; vote with your credit card; there is no alternative to Facebook or Amazon); American Exceptionalism and Constant War (“On veterans day, lets salute those who sacrificed for our freedom”); The Rule of Law (“Alert: Endangered Person! Look for a Chevy Silverado…” you are now deputized into their posse).

Our capitalist government won’t do the right thing, but still, we push hard, organize and mobilize, agitate and educate: We need collective action toward housing, food, water, health care as human rights, guarantees of income, education as a right not a product. And more. Civic and community groups are our great hope, as long as they see their good works as including research, study, and popular education. We are more connected, more caring—practicing “physical distancing” and “social solidarity.”

It’s the best of times; it’s the worst of times—a time like all others. I choose hopefulness as a politics, and I reject all determinisms—from the optimists and the pessimists, the idealists, the Marxists, the cynics, and the Pollyannas. I choose hopefulness precisely because I don’t know what will happen, and I’m willing to dive into the unknown, swimming as hard as I can toward a distant and indistinct shore.

The old verities are dead. We are in a time of conflict and contradiction—a great time to be alive, on the move and in the mix. The stakes are high, and the bullshit can be exposed and shredded.

At least we tried, and let’s try again. I agree with Bob: I’m not sorry for nothin’ I’ve done; I’m glad I fought—I only wish we’d won.